Pilkington Choir
Registered Charity 1207503
Sing in Harmony
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WE ARE HAPPY  to perform concerts for churches, registered charities and other organisations whether for fund raising purposes or purely for the entertainment of your community. Our concerts last about two hours and feature a good variety of songs together with 3 or 4 spots from our own soloists. We are fortunate that a number of our members are prepared to perform solo duties - either singing accompanied on piano or with guitar.

OUR REQUIREMENTS are quite straightforward - sufficient chairs  to take up to 40 singers - usually in 3 or 4 rows, for members between singing spots. A well tuned piano is needed though it may be possible for us to bring an electronic keyboard.

WE ARE FLEXIBLE about concert times and are able to consider afternoons if required, though weekday evenings would be preferred as a number of our members are at work during the day. Our fees are very reasonable. We are also happy  to sing at weddings and funerals to support family and friends .

PLEASE GIVE SECRETARY HELEN a call in the first instance with suggested dates, so that she can check with our musicians and choir members.
Neil Williams is quite happy to take his turn
Mel and Wynne singing a medley of  early “Cliff Richard”songs at our Diamond Jubilee Anniversary  Concert
Not  forgetting Judy at a Christmas Concert - see the Seasonal scarf !